UC Berkeley Extention: The Drug Development Process.
Written by Kristie Prinz on Sunday, April 8th, 2007
The event UC Berkeley Extension: The Drug Development Process will be held April 23-27, 2007 at the UC Berkeley Extension – Downtown Center, 425 Market Street, 8th Floor, San Francisco, California U.S.A. This four-day course will provide a thorough overview of all major activities involved in bringing a pharmaceutical therapy from discovery to market. Topics will include the following:
- pharmacology,
- metabolism and pharmacokinetics,
- toxicology, pharmaceutical development and production,
- clinical trials and statistical support,
- current regulations and the approval process,
- QA/QC compliance,
- intellectual property,
- commercial development planning and strategic marketing,
- program management,
- financing, and
- FDA perspective on industry inspections.
Category: Biotech Industry Events