Archive for August, 2009

What Small Businesses Need to Know to Protect their Companies’ Intellectual Property Assets

Written by on Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Title: What Small Businesses Need to Know to Protect their Companies\’ Intellectual Property Assets
Location: Webinar
Link out: Click here
Description: Are you a small business owner who believes that your business has no intellectual property to protect? While it is true that there may be some small businesses which do not have intellectual property, the reality is that most small businesses do in fact have intellectual property, which is not being properly protected. This program is designed to educate small businesses on what they need to know to identify and protect the intellectual property assets in their companies.

The speaker for this event is Kristie Prinz, the Managing Principal of the intellectual property and e-commerce boutique law firm, The Prinz Law Office, located in Silicon Valley, CA. Ms. Prinz is a frequent speaker and media contributor on intellectual property-related issues. Her media interviews and appearances include Dow Jones, CNN Radio, American Public Radio’s “Marketplace,” IP360, California Lawyer, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, and Sky Radio. She also authors the California Biotech Law Blog and the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, and has been a regular contributor to the “Ask the Lawyer” column on intellectual property law for
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2009-10-14
End Time: 11:00

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What Companies Need to Know About the Legal Risks of Business Blogging

Written by on Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Title: What Companies Need to Know About the Legal Risks of Business Blogging
Location: Webinar
Link out: Click here
Description: Companies are increasingly launching blogs to advertise and promote their businesses. While the benefits of adopting a business blog can be extensive, companies may also face legal consequences if they start posting to a blog without first having a good understanding of the legal issues they may encounter through their activities. This program is designed to educate companies on what they need to know about the legal risks of business blogging.

The speaker for this event is Kristie Prinz, the Managing Principal of the intellectual property and e-commerce boutique firm, The Prinz Law Office, located in Los Gatos, CA. Ms. Prinz is a frequent speaker on blog law issues and recently completed work on a monograph titled “Managing the Risks of Employee Blogging,” which is scheduled to be published by the Science and Technology Law Section of the American Bar Association. Ms. Prinz is an avid blogger herself, currently running two legal blogs, the California Biotech Law Blog and the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog.
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2009-09-09
End Time: 11:00

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Secrets to Launching an Effective Blog to Promote Your Business

Written by on Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Title: Secrets to Launching an Effective Blog to Promote Your Business
Location: Webinar
Link out: Click here
Description: Have you heard stories about how other businesses have launched blogs to promote their businesses? Are you interested in launching a blog to promote your business as well? This program will share some of the secrets to launching an effective business blog, addressing such issues as:

* Choosing the best name and subject for a business blog;
* Selecting the best domain name for a business blog;
* Targeting the right audience;
* Choosing the right platform and host;
* Developing the right blog design and layout for a business blog; and
* Advertising and promoting a business blog.

The speaker for this program is Kristie Prinz, who is the Managing Principal of Prinz Law Management Consulting. Ms. Prinz is an avid blogger who recently launched the new Start-up Law Firm Blog and has two other legal blogs, the California Biotech Law Blog and the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog. Ms. Prinz is a frequent speaker on blog-related issues, and recently completed a monograph titled “Managing the Risks of Employee Blogging,” which is scheduled to be published by the Science and Technology Law Section of the American Bar Association. Her consulting practice advises small law firms on a variety of business issues such as building a web presence, blogging issues, small firm advertising and promotion, law firm technology, financing the law firm, and business development.
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2009-08-26
End Time: 11:00

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