Archive for February, 2006

Biomedical Workshops for Engineers/Non-Biologists

Written by on Saturday, February 18th, 2006

Biomedical Workshops for Engineers/Non-Biologists will be held June 5-9th, 2006 at the Girvan Institute of Technology, 3940 Freedom Circle, Santa Clara, CA. These full day workshops are geared towards Engineers and non-Biologists who want to catch the Biomedical Wave, transition their current strengths/skills into the Biomedical industry and get entrenched in the Biomedical Industry. June 5 (Monday) – Medical Devices: The Art, The Science & The Business; June 6 (Tuesday)- Medical Terminology for Engineers & Non-Biologists; June 7 (Wednesday)- Human Physiology & Anatomy – for Engineers & Non-Biologists; June 8 (Thursday) – Cardiovascular System -Diseases & Devices for Non-Biologists; June 9 (Friday) – Biomedical Wave Workshop-Opportunities for Non-Biologists. For more information about the event or to register, contact 408-569-9521 or

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Biotech Valuations

Written by on Saturday, February 18th, 2006

While company valuations are critical to those of us who work with a particular company in a particular industry, few of us really take the time to consider or understand how a company valuation is conducted.

This is why I found Ben McClure’s recent article Using DCT in Biotech Valuation to be of particular interest.

In his article, McClure concedes that valuation can “appear to be more guesswork than science” but asserts that a generally accepted approach does exist to biotech valuation, which relies on discounted cash flow (“DCF”) analysis.

McClure writes:

Using DCF analysis, you can determine what someone would be willing to pay for that drug portfolio. In other words, you determine the forecasted free cash flow of each drug to establish its separate present value. Then, you add together the net present value of each drug, along with any cash in the bank, and come up with a fair value for what the whole company is worth today. A biotech company can have dozens, or even hundreds, of drugs in its developmental pipeline. But that does not mean you should include them all in your valuation. Generally speaking, you should only include those drugs that are already in one of the three clinical trial stages.

McClure goes on to explain that the next step is forecasting the sales revenue from each biotech company’s drugs, stating:

The key is to determine what expected peak sales would be if- and this is a big “if” -a drug successfully makes it all the way through clinical trials. Normally, you will forecast sales for the first 10 years of the drug’s life.

To do this, of course, requires one to make assumptions about the drug’s market potential and the drug’s potential market penetration. After the market size has been established, an estimated sales price has to be determined. McClure writes:

[P}utting a price tag on a drug that addresses an unmet need will involve some guesswork. But for a drug that will compete with existing products, you should look at the price of the competition. . . . Multiplying that price by the estimated number of patients gives you estimated annual peak sales. The biotech company won’t necessarily recieve all of this sales revenue. Many biotech firms-especially the smaller ones with little capital-do not have sales and marketing divisions capable of selling high volumes of drugs. They often license promising drugs to bigger pharmaceutical companies, which help pay for development and become responsible for making sales. In return the biotech receives [a] royalty on future sales.

McClure then explains that costs must be estimated as well as risks, and then the drug’s expected ten year free cash flows must be discounted to determine their present value. Finally, McClure writes:

Once you have gone through all of the steps outlined above to calculate the discounted cash flow for each of the biotech firm’s drugs, you simply need to add them all up to get a total value for the firm’s drug portfolio.

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Biotechnology Law Section of ABA Science and Technology Committee

Written by on Saturday, February 18th, 2006

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Written by on Saturday, February 18th, 2006

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Written by on Saturday, February 18th, 2006

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Written by on Saturday, February 18th, 2006

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Written by on Saturday, February 18th, 2006

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Venture Capital Executive Program: Elective on the VC Firm

Written by on Friday, February 17th, 2006

The Elective on the VC Firm for the Venture Capital Executive Program will be held on May 26, 2006 at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business. The program will address the following: opportunity recognition and selection, valuation and financial modeling, deal term structure, new venture due diligence analysis, and corporate strategies such as venturing, spin-outs, and acquisitions.

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8th Annual C21 BioVentures: The Lifescience Private Equity Conference

Written by on Friday, February 17th, 2006

8th Annual C21 BioVentures: The Lifescience Private Equity Conference will be held on May 23-25th, 2006 in Monterey, CA at the Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa. The event will showcase the very best early-stage bioscience companies to investors and potential partners, and industry leaders will discuss the trends and issues that are driving the lifescience sector’s growth.

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Venture Capital Executive Program

Written by on Friday, February 17th, 2006

The Venture Capital Executive Program will take place at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business on May 22-25, 2006. The course will address venture capital funding issues in multiple industries, including the biotech industry.

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